Member Benefits
Member Benefits
Let the Empire State Restaurant & Tavern Association’s Member Benefit Program Save You Money and Improve Your Bottom Line
Our members have the ability to take advantage of many money saving deals offered through our partners. Click each of the links below to learn more and save money!
Comp Insurance – 25% up front discount for most members, 35% back end dividend paid this year
Credit Card Processing – pre-negotiated member benefits, full disclosure pricing, three year rate guarantee
Disability Insurance – $2.23 per month/per employee (male or female – up to 49 employees)
Empire Merchants & Swipely -Association teams up with Empire Merchant Solutions and Swipely to provides a simple way to better understand your customers and grow revenue
Music Licensing – discounts on BMI, and SESAC licensing fees
Payroll Processing– member discounts through our endorsed provider Ulster Payroll Services
You can join the association now with your credit card or PayPal account by selecting regular membership, associate membership or corporate associate membership on our Membership Page.
You can also download our membership application and fax or mail the application to our office. And of course, you may call our office toll-free and join by phone with your credit card payment.