State Liquor Authority Working to Improve Customer Service

The SLA is continuing to seek improvements in customer service and to streamline as much of the process of interacting with them. This is a necessary move, especially given their limited staffing and ongoing delays with licensing and permits, but it’s a welcome move nonetheless. For years we lamented that the Liquor Authority was behind the times and should move their processes into the modern era. Over the past few years the SLA has moved most of the license and permit applications online, they’ve made wholesaler price listings available online, and they’ve posted valuable information on their website to advise the licensed community of matters of interest or concern. We applaud the latest move by the Authority – making emailboxes available for many of the key functional areas at the agency that licensees need to interact with:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

This should facilitate communications with the Authority and make it easier to address issues. Time will tell how this works out but at least the goal is a good one.