10 pm Restaurant & Bar Curfew Remains in Effect Statewide

New York State’s requirement that all food and beverage sales and consumption cease and patrons vacate the premises by 10 pm every night remains in effect in all parts of the state. Many called on the State to suspend this rule Saturday night for the Buffalo Bills game, but according to a spokesperson for the Department of Health all food and beverage establishments have to close at 10 pm, including any concession stands in Bills Stadium.
We are not aware of any unusual enforcement activities being planned by the State Liquor Authority, the State Police, or any local law enforcement agency. However, any bar or restaurant open and operating after 10 pm will be easily identifiable to any law enforcement officer whether they’re out looking for violations or responding to complaints. Penalties start with a $1500 fine and can lead to loss of your liquor license.
We encourage all licensees to continue to strictly comply with the public health restrictions that have been put in place – to protect the public, your employees, and your business.